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5G Detox Bundle!

Protect your body from the harmful effects of 5g radiation with our 5G Detox Bundle.

Our targeted Nutrient-Rich Supplement Protocol. Formulated to nourish core energy-producing cells and fight damage-causing free radicals.

What Causes 5G Radiation?

With the recent addition of 5G towers, humans are now under continuous exposure to cell phone microwave radiation via scalar waves. While we cannot block cell tower radiation, 5G Detox targets the formation of damaging free radical peroxynitrite molecules, which have been shown to contribute to DNA damage and cellular stress.

Try our 5G Detox targeted Nutrient-Rich Supplement Protocol

At Immune Health we’ve developed our 5G Detox with powerful ingredients like vitamin C, magnesium, selenium, N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine, and Melon Fruit to shield your body from harmful free radicals caused by 5G exposure.

Taken daily in order to experience the combined health benefits and additional protection of these powerful ingredients.

5G Detox Protocol Includes

Our targeted Nutrient-Rich Supplement Protocol features powerful ingredients designed to support energy-producing cells and combat free radical damage.

Vitamin C

 Vitamin C: The Antioxidant Shield

A vital ingredient in this protocol. 

What Is It?: Vitamin C (also called ascorbic acid) is a powerful antioxidant.

Vitamin C can combat oxidative stress (this is where you have more free radicals (bad guys) to antioxidants (good guys)).

Chaos ensues when there are too many free radicals and not enough antioxidants. This imbalance is oxidative stress. EMF causes oxidative stress.

Oxidative stress can damage your cells, tissues, your DNA and ages you considerably.

Taking an optimal dose of Vitamin C in this protocol is essential for radioprotective effect and maintaining optimal health.

Melon Fruit

Melon Fruit (Cucumis melo) is a natural plant source of superoxide dismutase (SOD), the body’s master defence enzyme. SOD remains active in the digestive tract, providing antioxidant protection for your eyes, joints, cardiovascular system, immune system, and more.

SOD helps break down potentially harmful oxygen molecules in cells.

Regularly supplementing with Melon Fruit can help support a healthy stress response and relieve feelings of fatigue. SOD helps in protecting against extreme free radical damage. SOD provides added antioxidant support to this formulation.


Selenium is an important trace metal that can support healthy immune function and optimal metabolism and circulation.

Selenium is a key component of antioxidant enzymes, such as glutathione reductase, that can protect healthy cells from harmful free radicals.

Selenium has been shown to provide protection from the oxidative stress created from exposure to EMFs as well as cellular death from EMF


N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine, or acetylcysteine (NAC), is the supplement form of the sulphur-containing amino acid cysteine. 

While cysteine possesses its own potent anti- oxidant properties, it also works with glutathione to combat the effects of harmful free radicals and support overall health.

NAC helps combat the effects of EMF by boosting glutathione levels and helping the body to detoxify.



Magnesium is one of my key supplements I would recommend for guarding against the effects of EMFs.

EMFs disrupt the calcium and potassium channels in your cells which is how EMFs can put stress on your heart. Our high-quality Magnesium supplement will act as a natural calcium channel blocker and help to offset the damage. It also happens to be a mineral that more than 90% of kiwis are deficient in. Take before bed as per the protocol.

5G Detox Protocol

As usual,with every bundle provided by Prue, you recieve her exclusive protocol as a free gift from her.

We give you all the detox supplements and Exact Herbal dosages to help maintain your 5G Detox. We help you gently detox Naturally.

And Finally, a Protocol that puts it all together, with dosage and daily charts to help you navigate your day.

Choose your Bundle

and get Internal Protection from 5G


1 month supply



(over 10% Discount)
$35 savings

Vitamin C




Melon Fruit

Free 5G Detox Protocol

Free Dosage CHART



3 months supply


over 20% Discount


($158 per month)
$317 savings

Vitamin C




 Melon Fruit

Free 5G Detox Protocol

Free Dosage CHART


I’ll just start with this one thanks …





1 x Melon Fruit

5G Detox Protocol

Dosage CHART

Let me choose my own supplements thanks


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Immune Health

Immune Health’s purpose is to empower people seeking natural health solutions. We are committed to guiding our customers on a transformational journey towards optimal wellbeing.


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We provide trustworthy information, practical advice, and effective natural supplements to help people take control of their health and address issues at their root cause. Our nurturing, holistic approach aims to foster a deep sense of connection and understanding so that our customers feel genuinely supported as they restore balance and vibrancy to their lives.

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