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The Importance and Advantage of Fulvic and humic Acid

Our food quality has dangerously declined over the past decades and is quite mineral deficient because the soil it is grown in is depleted of minerals. And mineral deficiencies are a big health concern! Even avoiding all processed foods, artificial colors, flavorings, refined sugar, artificial hormones, pesticides, fungicides, and herbicides will most likely not be sufficient to meet our nutrient needs fully.  Eating a diet of fresh produce, organic proteins, and high-quality fats may still lack key minerals due to a lack of soil quality. That is because there are industrial chemicals (phthalates in plastics is one) and GMOs where our food is grown. This causes damaged and depleted soil. Minerals are elements, and elements are either present or not. The plants can’t create them! If we don’t clean up our soil, our food will continue to have little minerals.


Compared to ancient farming, our crops are not farmed in the same way and we are not paying attention to our soil health. Ancient farmers would carefully replenish the nutrient levels of their fields and pastures with compost, crop rotation, intercropping, and soil rest intervals to maintain soil fertility. But now, chemical-based high nitrogen fertilizers are used to allow crops to continue to grow, but this depletes the soil of essential naturally occurring minerals and pH-balancing microorganisms. In addition, tilling practices (“strip mining”), chemical applications, and poor fertilization techniques rip out and burn up minerals in the soil.


This is quite concerning because it continues to cause significant declines in our soil mineral values worldwide. You may be asking yourself what minerals have to do with being healthy. The short answer here is EVERYTHING.


 Fulvic and Humic Acid

Fulvic and humic acid are quite intriguing substances that are critical and beneficial to the health of our bodies. Fulvic and humic are incredibly unique, they work rapidly in the body to replenish your nutrient levels, and that is why it is a primary ingredient for Prue’s protocols.

Fulvic acid is a substance deep within the earth that is extracted in specific regions of the world. These amazingly rich organic minerals are found 200-250 feet underground! Fulvic is formed over thousands of years during the seaweed humification process. As time goes on, this seaweed and other organic components within the earth come together to form Humic acid. Fulvic acid comes from the humic acid found within these Humic shale deposits


Humic acid does its work outside the cell. Its job is to prevent viruses and toxins from attaching, reduce inflammation, fight malignant cell growth, and reverse many severe conditions by turning on physiological switches in the body that regulate disease. It does a massive service to the gut and works from the gut out into the rest of the body.

Fulvic acid does its work inside the cell. It is extracted from Humic acids. Fulvic acid is a much smaller molecule than humic acid, and it works uniquely in the body. Fulvic acid is a small molecule that can carry 60 times its weight, which means it can be loaded with nutritional elements and make a small exchange of nutrients into the cell while carrying out waste.   

Prue describes fulvic acid as the body’s mailman and garbage man rolled into one because this smart nutrient knows your body’s needs and routes. As fulvic acid delivers the beneficial compounds into a cell, it also exchanges them for cellular waste that it picks up and removes from your system.

Humic acid is magical too and another deep earth mineral-rich compound that is a naturally occurring combination of organic substances created from seaweed that existed thousands of years ago. In the stomach, humic acid helps process foods and attack foreign invaders and toxins. It also removes toxins in the gut before they ever enter the cells, allowing the immune system to function at its best! This is how it can offer anti-inflammatory effects.  


Importance of Fulvic and Humic Acid

One of the primary obstacles to supplement effectiveness and health is making nutrients available to your body and ensuring they are absorbed. Fulvic acid bonds to micro-nutrients and acts as a delivery system that helps the nutrients penetrate cell membranes, allowing vitamins and minerals to be absorbed by the cells and organs where they are needed. This is especially important during a detox because your body needs strength from good nutrition to get rid of toxins in your system efficiently. Fulvic and humic acid are the go-to supplement for detox and nutrient supplementation.


Fulvic acid is excellent at correcting mineral deficiencies. It would be great to get it naturally through our foods, but with the lack of minerals in our soil because of current industrial farming practices—it is not readily available. That being said, we can no longer get this substance from our food. These minerals are no longer in our food chain as topsoil that used to be 3 feet thick worldwide is now only 6 inches thick. You can’t have optimal health without adequate food, but fulvic and humic acid can help fill the gap. In today’s world, supplements are necessary, most importantly fulvic acid. Fulvic and humic acids are substances humans and plants need for nutrient assimilation, healthy cells, and detoxification.   


Benefits of humic acid:

  • Enhances sleep
  • Supports the body during chronic illness
  • Fights viruses
  • Supports vision health


Benefits of fulvic acid:

  • Enhanced ATP (cellular energy) production
  • Enhanced nutrition
  • Improved immune support
  • Increased circulation
  • Enhanced detoxification
  • Helps revitalize enzyme systems
  • Hormone balance
  • Stimulates metabolism
  • Detoxifies, chelates, and neutralizes pollutants and toxins
  • Enhances beneficial microbes
  • Lessens free radical damage

 fulvic acid as the body’s mailman and garbage man rolled into one. As fulvic delivers beneficial compounds into a cell, it also picks up cellular waste and removes it from your system. 

How It works?

This product is one of my favorites and is a must-have for keeping your immune system functioning well.

And it does quite a bit for you.

If you want to keep your immune System strong, then this is perfect for you.

It’s super power is healthy cellular functioning, and detoxification.

Fulvic Acid does its work inside the cell. It is extracted from Humic acids. Fulvic acid is a much smaller molecule than humic acid, and it works uniquely in the body. Fulvic acid is a small molecule that can carry 60 times its weight, which means it can be loaded with nutritional elements and make a small exchange of nutrients into the cell while carrying out waste.  

What is Organic Fulvic Acid?
What is the right dose for me?
When is it best to take?
Milk thistle is generally tolerated well by the body, meaning you can take it pretty much whenever you want. It won’t keep you awake at night, it can be taken on an empty stomach or combined with meals as an added ingredient, and there isn’t a particular time of day where it’s more potent or effective
The Importance of Fulvic Acid Supplementation

Humans used to be able to consume fulvic acid as they needed it, by eating plants that grew in fulvic acid rich soils. Since then, the rise of industrial agriculture has depleted the nutrients from our soil. This results in our foods being less nutrient rich, and containing less fulvic acid.

Many people today are nutrient deficient, hormonally imbalanced, and chronically fatigued because their bodies are full of toxins that have been absorbed from the world that surrounds us. Fulvic acid is the answer to many of these problems. It’s the detoxifying solution provided by nature to help us heal ourselves.

What is Shilajit (Fulvic Acid)?
Why is Mineral Deficiency a Problem?

As minerals in the soil go down, disease in the population goes up and up. Mineral depletion in our food supply is directly related to mineral deficiency diseases. Over time, the amount of minerals in our food, an apple, for example, has gone down so low you would have to eat 36 apples in 2014 to get the same amount of iron as one apple supplied in the 1950s.  When the body is deficient in minerals, such as magnesium or zinc, your immune system suffers, mood conditions arise, and even bowel issues occur.  Even minerals needed in tiny amounts are important to the functions of the body. Essentially, the body starts to break down in a state of mineral deficiency, as it simply does not have the necessary elements to function correctly.


Here is a great quote that sums it all up, “You can trace every sickness, every disease, and every ailment to a mineral deficiency.” Linus Paulin, two time Nobel Prize winner.


If you have an issue or are constantly dealing with any of the following, you may undoubtedly be experiencing a mineral deficiency:

  • Anxiety or depression
  • Poor concentration
  • Weakness or fatigue
  • Muscle cramping
  • Poor immune system function
  • Poor social, mental clarity
  • Brittle bones (osteoporosis)
  • Poor wound healing
  • Infertility
  • Loss of appetite
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Constipation, bloating, or diarrhea
  • Heartburn or acid reflux (in extreme cases, nausea or vomiting)
  • Numbness or tingling in extremities
  • Poor skin, nail, or hair health
  • Anemia


Each of these conditions could be related to some common mineral deficiencies. Once your body is deficient in one or more minerals, it will begin to show signs. Four of the most common mineral deficiencies today are magnesiumiodine, iron, and zinc. Magnesium has 300 known essential functions in the body, and if you are depleted, every one of the functions suffers. Iodine is known for its role in the Thyroid but is also used throughout the body as a disinfectant, especially for the Urinary tract. Our blood cells use iron to transport oxygen throughout the body, and zinc is used to make a vital enzyme that repairs proteins in our bodies, including our DNA. Whether or not the body easily absorbs a mineral is something we must talk about as well. Just because you take a supplement does not necessarily mean your body extracts what it needs and can use it. That is why many people have to prepare their bodies by removing toxins and healing their gut so they can start seeing results from supplements. Adding clean water to a swamp isn’t going to change the environment; the water must be cleared of the toxins and gunk first.

What about GMO, Vegan, Gluten-free, Dairy-free?
Whenever possible, they make their products Non-GMO and Vegan. That’s the standard they hold themselves to every day.

Solgar Milk Thistle is  Free of:

  • Gluten
  • Wheat
  • Dairy
  • Soya
  • Sugar
  • Salt
  • Yeast
  • Preservatives
  • Sweeteners
  • Artificial Flavours or Colours.
Who is Swanson?
Where are they made?


Solgar® vitamins and supplements are made in the USA with select ingredients from around the world, in their own manufacturing facilities. They craft their products themselves— in small batches, with only the best raw materials.

Each batch of this product is analysed by an independent laboratory and is subject to discrete tests to ensure the purity and potency of your product and to make sure it is free of all metals, solvents, allergens and toxins.

Do they use Artificial Ingredients?
NO WAY. They avoid artificial ingredients and unnecessary fillers, binders, or colourings.

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