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N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC)
This compound is a precursor to the major antioxidant glutathione. Research has indicated that it is very effective for upregulating glutathione levels and reducing oxidative stress in the body and helping the liver to detoxify.
NAC 600 mg is one of Solgar’s premium-quality amino acid range products, containing N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine, an amino acid which has powerful liver detoxification qualities.
Amino acids are the building blocks of protein and are needed in several internal functions of the body. They are classified as “essential” or “non-essential”, with essential amino acids meaning they cannot be manufactured by the body and must be supplied in the diet to maintain good all-round health. Amino acids can be further used by the body to create hormones, enzymes, neurotransmitters, antibodies and nutrient carriers. A suboptimal intake of the essential amino acids increases the body’s need for the non-essential amino acids either through diet or supplementation. Foods that increase amino acid intake are meat, beans, cheese and eggs.
NAC is an amino acid, bearing sulphur, which plays a role in metabolism as it assists the synthesis of fatty acids into energy. It is also involved in the synthesis of keratin, the protein in skin, hair and nails. It can be used to make glutathione.
NAC- (N-acetylcysteine) is one of the best antioxidants in the world. It helps the body to secrete glutathione from inside the cell. Studies suggest it may suppress COVID replication. NAC scavengers’ free radicals outside of the cell, it replenishes intracellular GSH, suppresses cytokine storm and protects T cells, thus reducing inflammation and tissue injury. A must-have in your medicine tool kit.
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How to Use
NAC 600 mg comes in a daily dose of 1 vegetable capsule, for easy absorption.
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